About – Merimanzil Portal – Admin


As per the World Bank, the female labour participation rate in India reduced from 26% in 2005 to 19% in 2020 3
1 in 3 women lost employment because of covid in Rajasthan and did not get it back 4
Adolescent girls who received livelihoods skills and gender awareness training are 23% less likely to marry early and 33% more likely to earn a livelihood 5
India can boost its growth by 1.5% points to 9% per year if around 50% of women join the work force 6

3 Labor force participation rate, the World Bank (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.TLF.CACT.FE.ZS?locations=IN)

4 India Working Survey 2020

5 & 6 The World Bank 2018, Women in India’s Economic Growth


Manzil is being implemented across 295 schools in 6 districts of Rajasthan.

295 Schools

6 Districts

Strategy and Approach

The project adopts a life cycle approach to skilling and jobs. It identifies girls from marginalized backgrounds and link them with vocational education and skill training courses. It aligns girls' aspirations to market-based skill gaps and equips them with transferable skills such as communication, problem solving and decision making. It also ensures retention in skill courses and connects these girls to jobs that will provide them growth opportunities.

Key Activities under Manzil:

  1. Identification of marginalized young girls
  2. Counsel girls and their parents on the relevance of skill development and economic liberty
  3. Facilitate enrolment of girls in skill training courses, aligned with their aspirations
  4. Ensure job readiness through employability skills
  5. Link girls with gender-sensitive employers
  6. Follow up with girls and employers for up to 6 months to ensure their retention

The two main components of the project are:

In School

  • Increase girl’s participation and retention in skills building in schools and transition to jobs
  • Undertake career counselling of girls
  • Build capacity of vocational trainers to deliver quality skill training
  • Incorporate life skills training in the vocational courses
  • Activate on-job training/ apprenticeship
  • Launch community level campaign to encourage participation of girls in vocational training

Out of School

  • Provide career guidance to girls and motivate their parents to support girls
  • Create opinion leaders from with the community to ensure change and sustainability
  • Launch a state level communication campaign to motivate girls and parents to opt for skills training and jobs